Our Vestibular and Balance Service at angli-EAR Hearing offer three appointment types:
Initial Vestibular and Balance Appointment: 60 minutes / £120
This appointment is for people who are accessing angli-EAR Hearing’s Vestibular and Balance Service for the first time.
The appointment will involve you undergoing a thorough and targeted examination to identify the cause of your vestibular or balance problem.
You will also be provided with a tailored treatment plan. Your treatment will include information about the findings from your assessment, education, and effective strategies for ongoing management.
For those individuals with BPPV, you will be treated using the most appropriate repositioning manoeuvres, whilst most other individuals will be given a customised home exercise program.
As part of your treatment plan, your physiotherapist will also discuss with you when would be a suitable time for you to return for a Follow-up Vestibular and Balance Appointment for review and reassessment.
Follow-up Vestibular and Balance Appointment: 30 minutes / £60
This appointment is for those individuals who have already attended an Initial Vestibular and Balance Appointment and provides an opportunity for you to follow-up with your physiotherapist.
You will be able to discuss how you have been feeling since the previous appointment and conduct a re-assessment (which may involve some of the same tests as the initial appointment or different tests).
Your therapist will use the most advanced, evidence-based techniques whilst designing your plan of care.
You will be provided with an individualised and specific plan of care to achieve the short- and long-term goals using a combination of clinic based and home exercises. This involves use of repositioning manoeuvres, balance exercises, proprioception training, gait training and other manual therapy techniques.
Vestibular and Balance Health Check: 15 minutes / FREE
If you are unsure, please contact the clinic or book yourself in for a FREE 15 minute Vestibular and Balance Health Check.
These appointments are offered either face-to-face or by phone/video call.
They provide an opportunity for you to briefly discuss your history and symptoms with our physiotherapist and they will be able to provide you with some guidance and recommendations going forwards.
We are more than happy to discuss our service and assist you in trying to find the best solution to your problem.
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