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Dog Blog: Help! My oomans are broken!

My name is Teddy and, as you may already know, I am Head of Pawdiology at angli-EAR Hearing.

It feels like every year I have a particular problem with my oomans and I am looking for the help of all my friends to join my protest:

It starts to get cold, the trees send me presents to play with (aka leaves), the sky sends me uddles to play in (aka rain and puddles) and my oomans snuggle on the sofa earlier – a great time of year you would think to be a dog. Not for me and Buddy. It signals some sort of delay to us getting our breakfasts. But not just breakfast, dinner as well!

I thought I had managed to sort this out earlier in the year and the oomans agreed they were wrong after 6 months of my moaning and started feeding me back to my normal time. But at this time of year I get all these gifts from the sky and they take away my scheduled food delivery slot.

I am not sure if it’s a Golden Retriever thing, as I have three fur friends in my village, we organise regular meet ups with – Ruffus, Ruby and Casper. Over the garden fence Ruffus has confirmed this same problem also happens in his house. He is concerned this is becoming too regular. But he’s only 2 so can’t remember what happened last year.

Myself and Buddy are monitoring the situation and will report back what happens, but I am hoping this will not take 6 months of moaning to get them to agree again. I might be looking for another home if I have to look in my bowl for an hour at what should be breakfast time.

Disclaimer from Sarah: Apologies for this blog by Teddy. We have tried explaining Daylight Savings Time to him, but as any dog owner knows it’s a battle no-one warns you about. For Teddy, when the birds start singing and the sun comes up breakfast is due, immediately. And the same food delivery service is expected bang on time at the opposite at the end of the day. They are both completely confused by the moving of the clock an hour forwards or backwards. They are fed regularly, and on time, but not at the exact time they would like – which is probably hourly if they had their way!!!!

Apparently, Golden Retrievers are meant to be quiet dogs, they don’t tend to talk. Well my two are definitely broken because we are very definitely told by Teddy when he is not particularly happy!

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