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Tinnitus Week 2024

This week is Tinnitus Week, a national date to help raise awareness of tinnitus and to share advice on how to live well with the condition.

Tinnitus UK will be sharing tinnitus stories this week and encouraging people to share their experiences across their social media channels to help raise awareness of this condition. 

So, what is Tinnitus…?

Used to describe noises that may be heard in one or both ears, or in your head, in the absence of any sound in the environment, tinnitus isn’t completely understood. Although it isn’t a disease, tinnitus is a symptom related to a fault in the hearing system. It’s believed that this fault can be caused by stress, disease, hearing loss, exposure to loud noise, too much wax in the ear canal or certain medications.

In the UK, around 15% of adults suffer from tinnitus and it’s the subject of ongoing research. Those with the condition have reported hearing a variety of sounds including buzzing, humming, ringing, birds or crickets chirping, static, pulsing, whooshing, a constant tone or clicking.Find out more about possible tinnitus causes or read about our tinnitus treatment services.

So, what can I do if I suffer from Tinnitus…?

Have a hearing test or check-up. In many cases, tinnitus is associated with hearing loss so it’s best to see your audiologist to test your hearing levels. If they feel that your tinnitus is caused by a medical condition, your audiologist will suggest that you visit an ENT specialist.

Wear hearing aids. Good quality, properly fitted hearing aids reduce and even eliminate most tinnitus associated with hearing loss. These instruments take away the strain of listening and distract from the tinnitus by bringing you more external and environmental sounds.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Offered by clinical psychologists, CBT is often effective in alleviating distress and helping people to live with their tinnitus. This type of therapy can help to change the way a person perceives their tinnitus, by teaching them ways to focus on other things and control their stress.

Although tinnitus is often a permanent condition, there are ways of learning to live with and often ignore the symptoms. Here are some of our top tips:

  1. Reduce your exposure to things that may make your tinnitus worse – such as loud noises
  2. Cover up the sound of your tinnitus with a fan, soft music or low-volume radio static (white noise)
  3. Manage your stress if possible, with relaxation therapy, biofeedback or exercise
  4. Talk to others who also experience tinnitus, as they may be able to offer new suggestions to help manage your condition, provide support or just give you an opportunity to talk to someone else who understands. Tinnitus UK is an organisation providing support and counselling for people with tinnitus 

If buzzing, ringing or whistling in the ears is bothering you or someone you know, then don’t suffer alone. Book your tinnitus assessment with us by calling 01223 661 399 

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